Gay pride shoes gucci

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The Ferragamo “Rainbow” sandals from the 1930s are an early example of the fashion industry’s interest in the color set. From the indie designer corner, the New York-based brand For Good Luck sells ’80s wedding gowns that have been tie-dyed and cropped into cool and somewhat challenging tops, while the brand Farrow makes a more straightforward sequined rainbow tank. On the more attainable side of things, Asos is selling rainbow glitter wedges, while Fashion Nova offers a variety of rainbow items, like a furry sweater and a cut-out bodysuit. Where it is: splashed across fine jewelry collections, Gucci jackets and bags, Balenciaga T-shirts, and the entirety of designer Christopher Bailey’s final collection for Burberry, a statement of gay pride that also involved donations to multiple LGBTQ charities.

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